Saturday, December 30, 2023

obligatory year end 2023-by-the-numbers-and-other-stuff note: "body glitter will give you a second wind, trust me"

(a little context for my new readers this year: for the last couple of years i've been aggregating unused thoughts that didn't make it into my race reports into a year-end catharsis.  most of these are ideas or discussions i had in a potentially-hallucinogenic stupor around mi75, but some of these are thoughts i had in a definitely-drunken stupor 13h into an aid station shift. 

like 2021, it was difficult this year with only one race on the docket....but unlike 2021, so many more crewing hours and way too many aid station shifts outside of Alberta.)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Race Report: 戇ăȘい/Setsunai

Full disclosure - this report is long.  

But so was this race, so........đŸ€·